
Breastfeeding Myths Debunking! You May Have Heard of These 10 “Rumors”.

"Although we encourage breastfeeding moms to share their experiences and support one another, some of the information is not altogether accurate. And sometimes, the wrong information can get passed from one woman to the next," says Katy Lebbing, IBCLC, manager of the breastfeeding resource organization La Leche League International.

Before giving birth, many moms learn about breastfeeding online in advance, but the information is mixed and even misleading. To help you debunk the myths, here are ten of the most common breastfeeding “rumors” PS PACASSO would like to share with you:  

#1. You won't make enough breast milk if your breasts don't grow during pregnancy

No! Not being able to make enough breast milk is very rare. Only a small percentage of women who have milk supply problems say that their breasts did not change in size during pregnancy.

More often than not, women with small breasts and those whose breasts do not seem to grow during pregnancy can still make plenty of breast milk. 

#2. The breast does not leak milk, indicating there is no enough milk.

No! Whether milk leaks or not is not related to mothers’ breast milk production directly. It shows that the breast milk secretion gradually reaches a stable state if the milk is not spilled, and it meets baby’s needs. 

#3. Giving the breast a nursing "rest" can help ensure more milk.

The more you nurse, the more milk you make. Breaking your regular nursing schedule to "rest" the breast actually may decrease your milk supply.

This myth got started because skipping a feeding or pumping during the day results in greater supply of milk at night. But by the next day you will have less milk if you skip a feeding. The only way to ensure a steady supply is to keep expressing milk as regularly as you can.

#4. The baby lost weight just a few days after birth, because breast milk supply was insufficient.

Some mothers find that their infants lose weight in the first few days, and they worry about whether it’s because their milk is not enough. But in fact, studies have shown that it is very normal for a full-month baby to lose 10% weight after birth. Moms, don't worry about this. Continue your breastfeeding! Your body will naturally adapt and meet your baby's needs! 

#5. Nursing babies shouldn't take an occasional bottle or they may become confused and stop eating.

Many moms are worried that if they use a bottle to feed breast milk while breastfeeding, their baby will be confused with their nipples, but in fact, mothers don’t need to be too nervous about this, because babies can actually feel the difference between sucking pacifiers and sucking nipples.

It’s okay for mothers to use bottle feeding once or twice a day. Use your own milk when trying the bottle, and hold your baby close to your body to cuddle. It's the bonding time that matters almost as much as the actual feeding.

#6. If you feed your baby breast milk in a bottle, the bigger the bottle is, the better.

Some moms may think that if they feed their babies breast milk with a large-capacity bottle, they can drink more. But in fact, the stomach capacity of a newborn baby is not large. They do not need a particularly large-capacity bottle, usually about 4oz is enough. 

#7. You can't breastfeed after getting a vaccine.

No! As long as your baby is healthy, mother can still breastfeed the baby as usual after vaccination, and the baby can get antibodies from mother's breast milk. But you do have to be careful if your baby has an immune deficiency. In this case, it is the best to check with your doctor before vaccination

#8. Breastfeeding changes the shape and size of your breast, and reduces sensitivity.

Don’t be afraid. While pregnancy does somewhat alter the look and feel of your breasts, experts say breastfeeding does not cause any changes beyond that. In fact, breastfeeding can actually help protect your breasts. Studies show that women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of breast cancer later in life. 

#9. Never wake a sleeping baby to breastfeed.

It's okay to let babies sleep a little longer than usual, but you should never have more than one four-and-a-half-hour period of sleeping per day. If your baby is regularly sleeping through feeding time, wake baby when it's time to eat. It's important for your baby to feed on schedule, and you need to express milk on schedule to keep up a good supply.


#10. Breastfeeding can prevent you from getting pregnant.

Not really. Although studies have shown that breastfeeding stimulates the female body to produce a hormone, which may have a certain effect on preventing ovulation, this does not mean that breastfeeding can definitely stop ovulation. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers must also take contraceptive measures.

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